Episode 11

1.11 Why Did God Choose Jacob, Not Esau? (Unconditional Election)

Published on: 8th March, 2021

To conclude our survey of the Genesis narrative of Jacob, an important question must be asked. “Why did God choose Jacob, not Esau?” Another way to ask this question is “On what basis did God choose Jacob over Esau?”

Four Arguments Against Romans 9

  • Systematic avoidance of Romans 9
  • Romans 9 is not talking about individuals but talking about nations.
  • Romans 9 is referring to individual election of temporal and material blessing.
  • Doctrine of prescience

“Why did God choose Jacob, not Esau?”

Answer: God chooses to whom He grants mercy not on the basis of man’s will, but based on God’s sovereign free will so that His purposes might stand. And that divine prerogative is what makes Him God.

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BibleSumo Weekly Bible Study
Bible study for everyday Christians
Concise, meticulous Bible studies for Christians. Your facilitator is Pedro Cheung. He is a husband, father, and full-time physician. Pedro believes every word in the original documents of the Bible is verbally inspired and inerrant. He uses a grammatical-historical-theological method to interpret the Bible. Bible studies are released on Mondays.